Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jung's Red Book: A List of Major Themes

I have now completed my initial study of the Red Book and am in the process of organizing my observations under a series of themes. Over the next weeks and months, in addition to commenting on specific sections of Liber Novus I will be commenting on the following Red Book themes:

Sense and Nonsense
The Coincidence of Opposites
The Conflict of Opposites
Fantasy and the Objective Psyche
Belief and Knowledge
The Nature of Symbols
The Critique of Science
The Critique of Reason
The Supreme Meaning
Self and God
On Individuation
Existential Themes
This Life
The Dead
Postmodern Ideas
The Critique of Values and Morality
The Critique of Giving
The Shadow
Renewal and Rebirth
The Sickness, Death, Healing and Rebirth of God
Cognitive Psychology
Jung’s Self-Criticism
Thoughts on Anti-Semitism
The Devil
“I and Thou”
On Language
On Religion
Magic and the Unknown
The Collective Unconscious
Mind and Brain
Gnostic Themes


  1. Congratulation: i am really amazed about your creativity in a strict philosophical sense! I am a german student of philosophy, in particular of phenomenology, critical theory and German Idealism. I also red Jung since my father gives lectures for the C.G.Jung-Institut in Zürich. Currently i am studying the younger Hegel (his theological writings), his reaction on the kantian dualism and in this context his critique on reason and enlightenment. There are many possibility to read and understand the younger Hegel on the basic of jungian theses, in particular Hegel attempt to reintegrate (what you called) "inferior" poles of the opposite - sensibility, fantasy and mythical elements (which were suppressed in context of enlightenment, especially in kantian moral philosophy) - into the "discourse" (by establishing a religion of folk) in order to avert "an arbitrary identification with one pole of an opposition, “together with a violent suppression of its opposite” - As a consequence he tries to reestablish or restore a unity between reason and sensibility or in terms of Jung between the conscious and the unconsciousness..
    I am on what Derrida in "Wie nicht sprechen?" calls the "scent". I just wanted to thank you for your good advices in this blog! Unfortunately my expression in english is horrible and it is difficult to communicate more spontaneous. But maybe i will let you know something about the development of my studies on the younger Hegel in connection with Jungian analytic psychology.
    Best wishes, Sarah (M.A., University of Heidelberg)

    1. I m on Hegel too, because of Hesse.I am reading The Phenomenology of Spirit and i m finding deep relations with Jung psychoanalysis.I would like to know someone to speak with about this,and to take references about my futures studies.

  2. Thanks Sarah for your encouraging comments. Your work sounds fascinating. I believe that there is a strong connection between Hegel and Jung and that each can shed much light on the thinking of the other. The reintegration of the opposites has along history: Heraclitus, Buddhism, Cusanus, the Kabbalah, and of course Hegel, Jung and Derrida have all considered this topic. I am busy now writing my book on the Red Book, which I hope to complete by August, 2011, then I hope to work on my manuscript on Coincidentia Oppositorum. By all means plaese keep me posted on your work on Jung and the early Hegel.


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